1 minute read


Most Linux distributions include printer drivers by default, such as HPLIP for HP printers. However, the HP LaserJet 1020 requires an additional proprietary plugin. While attempting to install this plugin, I encountered issues, which are detailed below.


Error Message:

hp laserjet 1020, hpcups 3.17.10, requires proprietary plugin

Solution 1: Using HPLIP

  1. Install HPLIP:
    sudo apt-get install hplip hplip-gui
  2. Install the Plugin:
    • Connect the printer and run:
    • Follow the GUI prompts to download and install the plugin. However, if you face a 404 error (possibly due to network restrictions in China), proceed to the manual installation.
  3. Manual Plugin Installation:
    • Download the required plugin from here.
    • Use the hp-plugin command to load the downloaded plugin file locally.
  4. Test the Printer:
    • Once the plugin is installed, your printer should work as expected.

Solution 2: Using foo2zjs

foo2zjs is an open-source library compatible with HP LaserJet 1020 and a good alternative to HPLIP.

  1. Remove HPLIP:
    sudo apt-get remove --assume-yes hplip hpijs hplip-cups hplip-data libhpmud0 foomatic-db-hpijs
  2. Install foo2zjs:
    sudo apt-get install cupsys-bsd foo2zjs make build-essential
    wget http://support.ideainformatica.com/hplj1020/foo2zjs-patched.tar.gz
    tar zxvf foo2zjs-patched.tar.gz
    cd foo2zjs
    sudo make install
    sudo make install-udev
    sudo udevstart
  3. Restart Printing Service:
    sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
  4. Adjust Print Settings (Optional): For better text formatting, run:
    sudo lpoptions -o cpi-12 -o lpi=7 -o page-left=36 -o page-right=36 -o page-top=36 -o page-bottom=36
  5. Configure Printer Model:
    • Open your system’s printer manager.
    • Set the HP printer model to foo2zjs.
    • Select the appropriate .ppd file for your printer from the foo2zjs/ppd directory.
  6. Modify .ppd File (if needed): If you encounter issues, such as page size defaults, manually edit the .ppd file:
    sudo gedit foo2zjs/ppd/LaserJet-1020.ppd

    Example: Change the default page size from “Letter” to “A4.”

  7. Test and Enjoy: Your printer should now work seamlessly.

By following either of these methods, you can successfully set up your HP LaserJet 1020 on Linux.


